Monday, June 1, 2009

Now Is The Time…

…for all good freaks to come to the aid of their Stybby!

Awhile back I entered the "Rename Stride's Ridiculously Long Lasting Mint Flavored Gum Contest" and I made the top ten finalists with 'Mintfinity.' (Clever, eh?) Unfortunately, I recently found a twit who also entered the same name and twittered it out to everyone so I might be sharing the 10K prize with 10K other people. Oh well, here's your chance to make someone rich. Go to and sign up (yeah, I know, I know, btu just use that yahoo account you keep around for stupid contests) then vote for my entry: Mintfinity! Who knows… if I actually win, I might peel off a few hundred for a celebration party!


abalobacindy said...

i also chose the name now what?

jdaws518 said...

yea i came up with mintfinity too...maybe they'll give all of us 10 grand

DevBox said...

oh man.... found this blog through a google search.

I also submitted Mintfinity.

Were any of you contacted by phone or overnight mail by Stride? I wasn't.

Anonymous said...

i submitted mintfinity AND permamint...

DevBox said...

I submitted permamint as well, Anonymous.

ridiculous, huh?
Again, anyone contacted by Stride? If so, maybe they chose that person as official entrant based on the time of submission.

DevBox said...

Sounds like Joey Tucker was contacted by Stride about Mintfinity.

Anonymous said...

yes, ridiculous to leave out rules regarding same name submissions... total excremint

cherokeewhiteman said...

Hey guys. I chose mintfinity and I was contacted by Stride and signed papers and had to fedex them back to them. So Maybe it was a first come, first serve thing?

It is a cool name! :)

DevBox said...

I believe the first come, first serve idea is very likely what happened. You'd think that Stride would at least email the entrants who didn't get a packet in the mail to explain the situation, as it wasn't covered in the rules.


Anonymous said...

i called stride and none of us will get any credit at all except for the first person to enter the name so your welcome cherokeewhiteman for all those votes i got for you from my friends and family...lucky

Unknown said...

I submitted the same thing and had my fam/friends vote too. sigh.

M Styborski said...

Maybe we'll all get a case of gum for our trouble, but somehow I doubt it. Oh well, at least I know my ad work is now worth 10K per brand, lol!

cherokeewhiteman said...

Hey everyone, This is Joey Tucker. Thanks for the votes. I appreciate it. I like the name choice Mintfinity. I live in Louisville, ky.

I'll invite you guys to the smashing pool party we will have if we win. :)

Oh and great minds think alike.

M Styborski said...


Stride has sent an e-mail notifying me of a "technical glitch" in the contest resulting in it being shut down. No word on the winning name, but instead of the winning submission recieving $10K, five random entrants will each recieve $25K! There may be hope for us all!

Unknown said...

i was mintfinity too, i only received a box of gum with that name.

M Styborski said...


Congrats justin, I haven't even got that yet.

M Styborski said...

Had to drop Stride a line:
"I submitted Mintfinity along with a few hundred others (including Joey Tucker) who were cheated out of the prize money in your despicable contest. Not only did you (allegedly) award money to people who submitted losing names, but you promised consolation gum to entrants as well. I'm still waiting.

I wonder if the waiting will last as long as your flavor is reported to. I guess I'll never know."

We'll see what happens.

Garry said...

I also submitted the name Mintfinity. I entered the contest on its first day, so I'm pretty bummed out about the whole situation.

At least I got my free gum. Anyone want to file a lawsuit? LOL!

Unknown said...

I also submitted mintfinity , and infinamint, and i received 24 packs of mintfinity

M Styborski said...

Interesting. justin got a box, you got 24 and I got nothing. And were they actually called "Mintfinity?" Stride claimed they were not going to use the name. Ah well, Adams' loss. Never spending money on their products again, lol.

cherokeewhiteman said...

Yeah I didn't even get the box of gum. I should probably sue, since I have all the signed documents and stuff that I had to send back to stride confirming this and that. Oh this is J. Tucker by the way :)

M Styborski said...

Sheesh, justin! See what you started... :)

Good to hear from you Joey. I've been informed that a lawsuit won't accomplish much, but then I didn't sign any papers. Might be worth it for you. Let us know how it goes.

Anonymous said...

I also submitted the name "Mintfinity". I got a case of gum today.

M Styborski said...

Well shut mah mouth!

Just got home today and there was a little box of gum waiting for me by the door. And indeed it is marked Mintfinity. I'll post a picture in a few days just as soon as I apologize to Stride.

Scott said...

I also submitted Mintfinity....and forgot all about the contest because it was freakin' months ago.
But I get home today and a package addressed to me is here from a sender that I don't recognize. I open it up to find a carton of Mintfinity and a rather vague notice of the contest being shut down.
Anyhow- I got my gum.

RiverBankRobber said...

I also submitted Mintfinity. I would like to know how the heck Stride could screw up such a contest. I received my box of gum today with the name printed on each pack. If they end us actually using Mintfinity as the name of the gum and sell it commercially, will any of us actually receive royalties??? Rip off!

Perrin said...

I thought their solution to solving the problem was so poorly handled. I also thought my own clever idea of Mintfinity was so awesome and when i saw it winning in the top 10 i was freaking out thinking i was gonna land 10 grand. Then all that shit happened. What i THOUGHT was my supreme name idea ended with me receiving some shit gum & 5 random people being chosen by a computer to win 25 grand??? It just goes to show you how poorly operated the makers of stride gum and the corps above it are at handling things of this matter. I personally think everyone who entered the name mintfinity should have gotten a sum of LEAST $1000 for being fuckin awesome. God knows they have the money for it. I guess im still to this day disappointed with how the contest went down and i haven't bought a single pack of stride gum since.

M Styborski said...

So, that makes over a dozen of us that we know of with like minds and empty wallets. Buncha pikers. I would have been happy with a little trip to a release party. They could have brought all the Mintfinity submittors to a cool little gathering, tossed around some gum and alcohol, made us feel like we were appreciated… but no, our idea was good enough to take first place and instead they reward five other schmucks for nothing. Caveat Emptor, mes amie! Gonna go knock down a Stride display in the local Walgreens now!
