Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Love Is One Thing...

You say you want a pork solution, we-ell ya know...

There you go, click on it. You know you want to. It's the "Bacon Of The Month Club." Feel free to join if your Road Home check is burning a hole in your pocket. This was sent to me by a good friend who knows how much I love Bacon, (thanks Shoop,) but for crying out loud... 215 bucks a year? You get two packs of "gourmet" bacon each month so that makes 24 packs divided by 215 equals... (carry the naught...) EIGHT NINETY-FIVE A PACK!!!

Do I look like Donald Trump? Add in the $135 S&H charges and you're over $14.50 per pack! I'll stick with the local pigs, thank you very much. But if any of you fat-cats out there are wondering what to get me for Christmas...


Odd said...

A whole new meaning for pork projects....
Yeah, I think it's over priced too!

Moontwister said...

Oh, but it is such a lovely daydream.